The Ethos Store

Tell us your need! let us get you quality products/services within your budget.
Personal Shopper

See it, like it, want it? We’ll help you get it from any part of the world right to your doorstep! After doing this for over 6years, we’ve gained lots of experience and know where to look, we also like to save you money.

Auto Procurement

We get the best auto deals off US auctions at amazing prices. Don’t know what you want but have a fixed budget? We have you covered. Importing your dream car at that kick price is easier than you might think.

Vendor (Supply) Services

We’ll supply your organisation or business with products (in bulk) to fit your exact needs. We do not compromise on quality, while also ensuring our rates are competitive. It’s a win win situation for all. If we can’t offer you value, we won’t do business.


About Us

At the Ethos Store, we bridge the gap between quality and price. Whether product or service, we keep high professional standards and ensure satisfying encounters upon interaction with us.

About Us

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Reviews And Clients

Great Customer Satisfaction

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Rob Vens
Beautiful Services

Switching to WordPress from Joomla was greatly helped by a great download manager for WordPress, WPDM. With unsurpassed support I was able to fine tune my downloads section on the website to my delight.

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Rob Vens
Good Procurement

Switching to WordPress from Joomla was greatly helped by a great download manager for WordPress, WPDM. With unsurpassed support I was able to fine tune my downloads section on the website to my delight.

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Rob Vens

Our News Update

Product Thumb
You can use multiple file with single entry at front-end.
Product Thumb
You can use multiple file with single entry at front-end.
Product Thumb
You can use multiple file with single entry at front-end.
Product Thumb
You can use multiple file with single entry at front-end.

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